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About Lorina

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"Lorina guides with the integrity of absolutely embodied wisdom and a radiant heart.“  ~ Lisa Grace

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About Me

I’m a Somatic Intimacy Coach and a certified Somatic Experiencing Trauma resolution practitioner and educator. I am also a certified Level 2 Psychedelic Somatic (PSIP) practitioner. With a heart and intelligence I help people who seek trauma resolution and struggle in the realms of intimacy, relationship, sexuality, embodiment and erotic aliveness. 


I love helping individuals and partners transform old wounds and cultivate lives that are richer with pleasure, presence and potency in all sorts of beautiful ways.


Seeker types tend to value what I have to offer; people who have explored multiple avenues of healing and personal growth and yet are still missing some key ingredient.  I offer a compassionate presence, precision guidance and embodied learning opportunities with generous doses of love and laughter.

My Background

My skill set is a product of a couple of decades of a very fruitful education addiction. I  graduated from UCSC with honors in Biology and acquired a Masters from JFK University. In 2010 I certified as a Somatic Experiencing Trauma Resolution practitioner. I also certified as a level 2 Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Practitioner. I’ve completed 4 different coaching programs with Wellcoaches, The Hendricks Institute, CTI and Somatica. 


I have also studied relationship counseling with the Hakomi Institute and attachment theory and developmental trauma healing with Diane Poole Heller and Larry Heller respectively. Other influences include Shakti Malan and her shadow tantra work, continuum and conscious dance practices like 5Rhythms. 


 I'm available for in person and online session. I'm based in Oakland, CA. I seek to provide a welcoming presence to all humans inclusive of BIPOC and LGBQT+ beings. I'm experienced working with non-monogamous and poly-curious individuals and couples.

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"Lorina brings a loving, caring, accepting presence to her work. I feel welcome, seen and supported when I'm with her. I can bring my wounds and confusions around my relationships and my sexuality to Lorina and I know she will hold them sacredly, with wisdom and supportive humor." ~ Joseph E

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My Approach

If I had to distill my approach in 3 words they would be attuned, embodied and integrative.


I meet people wherever they are and take them to the next level based on their desires and capacities. I help people unlearn intimacy sabotaging patterns and learn more fulfilling skills in embodied and experiential ways. As an integrative practitioner I am constantly seeking to help people harmonize seemingly polar opposites: mind & body, pleasure & pain, togetherness & spaciousness, the seen & unseen and much more.


My approach is also very relational. I bring my whole, authentic, erotic*, embodied, vulnerable, trauma-savvy self into my sessions (a la the Somatica approach). In this way the coaching container can be a real time learning lab for cultivating intimacy skills. 


(*Please note that I hold distinctly different containers during Somatica sessions vs PSIP medicine assisted sessions, as bringing my erotic energy into altered states sessions adds unnecessary consent complications.)

How it Works

If you are considering receiving my support I invite you to contact me to schedule a 30 min discovery call. It’s a complimentary, confidential, no obligation Zoom call where we get to drop in, ask questions and get a feel for how we might work together. This is available for both individuals and couples. It’s more of a revealing conversation rather than a sample coaching call.


During that call I can also introduce my price structure. If you want to further explore working together we can schedule a single session- 60 minutes for individuals or 90 minutes for couples. If after the end of our first paid session you feel moved to invest in a package your first session can be included in the package. 

I'm available to work with partners and individuals both online and in person from my Oakland home office.

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What to Expect

Our work together will be inspired by your needs, desires and resources. You can expect sessions to be of a blend of talking and experiential and embodied (aka somatic) explorations. Sometimes the somatic element is as simple as paying attention to your sensations, feelings and body impulses. Sometimes it’s an opportunity to experientially cultivate a skill like expressing your desires, touching your partner or giving your animal instincts a safe space to be expressed. Sometimes the energy exchange is erotic, sometimes it's more nurturing, in all cases our clothes stay on.


As an SE trauma resolution practitioner and coach I tend to focus on the present moment and build on strengths and resources rather than hunt for historical wounds. That said, if an old hurt organically arises then please know I’ll be there to help you (and possibly your partner) hold your tenderness with compassion and skill. By the end of it all you'll feel more confident, connected and clear.


My work as Psychedelic Somatic Interactional (PSIP) practitioner is well-suited for clients at more advanced stages of their healing journey. It requires another level of client preparation and skillfulness. To read more about what to expect in this model please visit here.

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Ready to explore your pleasure, presence & potency potential?

Book your free 30-minute consultation with Lorina

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